Doug the Neighbor
4 min readFeb 11, 2023



“Get in the truck.”

Tom pointed to his 2002 Ford 4x4 Dallas Cowboy Blue and Silver truck in the parking lot of the court house. Jimmy did.

“Buckle up. This is my truck. You wear a seat belt.” Tom grabbed the Car & Driver magazine off the dash and put it in Jimmy’s lap. They settled in as Tom eased the truck out of the parking lot.

“Wow! Where did you get this magazine? This here has ‘The Fire Baller’ in it.” Jimmy started flipping thru the magazine.

“Tell me what you see in that article.” Tom drove thru city trafiic. Jimmy immediately became emmersed. As the got on to Highway 217 heading East, Jimmy asked.

“Where are you taking me?” Tom did not answer.

“I can handle Canyon State Prison if you’re taking me there. Help my ‘street cred’. Then I can become a Rapper. Prison don’t scare me.” Jimmy nodded his head.

“Right. Tough Guy Jimmy?” Tom turned towards Jimmy.

“Hey! That is a good one! ‘Tough Guy Jimmy’…or maybe…’Tuffy J’…or…”

“ ‘Sweet Meat Jimmy’…if you go to prison. How long did you think you would last? Your ‘Daddy Jackie’ tell you any thing about prison life?” Tom lowered his voice. “That how you wish to destroy your family again? Son. I can get you a job working on cars in Palo Duro next month. Straightening out your life…if you wish. But that won’t work unless you commit yourself. There are about 7 days in a man’s life that define him. This is one of your days.”

