Doug the Neighbor
3 min readMay 15, 2023


Excerpts from… ‘Tag a Long Titch’ Partridge…soon to be published book by Arlene Perry, reporter for the Manchester Evening News, Manchester England.

Arlene Perry, from Manchester, England is a news paper reporter for the Manchester Evening News, who travels the Untied States in a van called ‘The Eagle’ that doubles as a book mobile bringing books to hard to reach rural places devoid of access to libraries. She has been interviewed on the tv show 60 Minutes and various media outlets. She has published 3 books. All published by DTN Publishing.

>Peaches Loves Charlie Blue Bell…a photo study of her dogs.

>10 Men Called Lumpy…How ten men got the nickname Lumpy.

>The Eagle..how her van doubles as a home and book mobile.

‘Titch’ Partridge…Gun slinger. Cattle rustler. Bank robber. Card shark. Bad man. Born around 1834 near Iowa City, Iowa. Last recorded mention 1881.

Stories collected from diaries, newspaper accounts, legends.

> SWEET WATER BANK WAS ROBBED…Sweet Water Journal…March 12 1850…Sam Gelfand…reporter.

Four men dressed in chicken feathers and wearing masks robbed the Sweet Water Bank yesterday. They shot into the ceiling and scared Miss Tobin, the bank teller, to hand over the money in the drawer. They hog-tied Peter Kinnon, the manager, and took all the money in the safe about $2,500.00. Sheriff Denton said it was the oddest thing he has heard of…

